Demographics iPhone vs Android Users

In this report we can see that the Androd (70%) is more used than iOS (28%).

But we must keep in mind a very important topic.
The young peope (16 - 24 years old age) prefer iOS (44%) instead of Android (30%).

That means what the future will be iOS and not Android.
Younger users prefer iPhone, older generatiosn prefer Android.
While Android is the most popular choice overall globally , Gen Zs and Millennials are still more likely to be iPhone users: The future is for the younger generations.

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These numbers track our daily rendezvous usage. Yesterday, for example, we had 210k Android connections and 87k iOS connections which is roughly a 70/30 split.

Interestingly, on the weekends (i.e., when school is not in session) the split goes to 80/20 in favor of Android, which suggests that we have quite a few schools using iPad as their primary development environment.


Young people prefer iPhones to show off at school... they also prefer it because their parents buy them iPhones so that they are not inferior to other peers. When young people grow up, their independent lives will determine whether they will still want an iPhone or Android for 1/2 the price or even 1/3.


The lesser use of iOS in AI2 is surely also because it is newer than Android and because it has some deficiencies due to being in beta status. In addition, it also influences that you must pay an annual fee to Apple and that it is more complicated to upload apps to the Apple Store.
Outside of App development, what is true is that young people increasingly tend to use Apple and once they have started using it, they do not abandon it even when they are older (although the cost of iPhones is higher than of Androids). Statistics in the EU since 2018 clearly certify this trend that every day Apples are more used globally with annual increases of 3% to 5% to the detriment of Android (young people are getting older)