Delete data in listview

how to delete data in listview. when i clicked specific post in listview and try to delete it, after refreshing the page it still there.

How do you save data inside the cloud ? I never used cloudDb but I think you can delete an item by tag and not using the all list inside the tag .

this is how data save inside the cloud, em can you explain delete an item by tag?

Cloud DB lists work only as queues to avoid cross interference between users.

You can only remove the front item.

Pick an organization that uses unique tags

To delete an item from your allPosts "list of lists", you would need to fetch the list in the tag allPosts, remove the list item, the store allPosts back to cloudDB, overwriting the previous version. Collision issues may arise if other users are doing the same thing at the same time.

CampusFoodShare.aia (2.9 MB)
here is my current block coding, i'm still trying to solve this problem

Something like this:

umm can you give example of organization that uses unique tags?

unfortunately, even after follow your code logic the output is still the same

I respectfully disagree

it just delete all of the post but not the specific post that i want to delete

Then you have an issue with your blocks / how you are deleting, I have tested the blocks I showed, they only delete the list item selected.

I just whipped this up for you:

CloudDB_cars.aia (3.7 KB)

Sample run

This is a sample CloudDB app to keep a table of cars on a car sales lot.

The trick here is to create compound keys for each row of whatever table you keep, and just store true as the value.

There is a little extra housekeeping needed for the replace that I left out, requiring the user to delete the old row after an update.

This also requires a dedicated CloudDB instance for the cars collection.

P.S. I was using the default MIT CloudDB server. Consult the CloudDB docs for how to share CloudDB among multiple users.

can i have full block coding of your version?

They are all the blocks I used.