Degoo cloud upload

I want to make some kind of data backup application with which I will upload files to the Degoo cloud. I need extension or code as I'm not a js/html developer.

there does not seem to be a RESTful API available...
or do you have any link?


Not sure if this can help but it this project deals with degoo api


Adding degoo will be useful to the community as it offers a huge amount of free space (100GB)

I don't know whether this will be of use or not, but there is actually an either discontinued or not-yet officially released degoo client application for windows and mac that their support gave me in an email.

It wasn't anywhere else online so I uploaded both versions to the internet archive here.

I have the 10tb lifetime storage plan with them and it'd be worth a lot more to me if there was some way I could mount degoo as a virtual drive and sync my iOS and Time Machine backups to it automatically.

icloud is terrible imo, and won't even let you pay for more than one month at a time at any size, so basically if you don't pay attention at some point or another your files all get knocked off when they shrink you down to 5gb inevitably.

If Degoo remains in business, I will not have to worry about losing the files stored with them for 99 years. But yeah, no FTP-style or API access sp far as I can tell so I would love to hack their app and actually enjoy the gluttonous 10tb of google storage I have with them.

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Thanks @alexbarber seems the internet archived version is no longer available. May you upload to GDrive or some other file sharing service please? Much appreciated.