Deep Links to associate an app on Google Search Console so it's visible on Google Search

Hello Folks, my question is about creating deep links to my app so Google Search Console starts showing my app in the search results. I'm very confused about the actual process of creating deep links and also since my app has already been published, do I have to unpublish it, create deep links and then publish it back again?

If anyone knows how to make my app become visible on Google(Search, not the Play Store), please advice. I verified my website associated with the app but it is still not on Google Search.

Thank you!

P.S. Creating an app was a piece of cake BUT getting it out on Google is quite a challenge. I know Google explains how to do things but those instructions are very general and do not give any coherent step by step explanation(we are not all programming Luminaries), here's an abstract from Google instructions on how to add an app to Search Console, "SIMPLY add your app name" - WHERE? HOW? the search box is bringing it back as a bad link

  • Simply open Search Console and enter your app name: android-app://com.example . Of course, we'll only show data to authorized app owners, so you need to use your Google Play account to let Search Console know you have access to the app. If you don't have access to your app in Google Play, ask an owner to verify the app in Search Console and add you next -