Decode base64 to an image

hi, i wanna store images to clouddb as a string, i know it's so simple i can do it with base64 extension
i wanna decode that encoded string and display it in listview
is it possible?
thank you


This is the key to transforming the base64 into image files.
(I have not tried this myself.)

i can decode base64 to image files either
but i can't show that image in listview

First save the image as a file in ASD, then set it in list view.

With this extension you can convert a file to Base64

But to save an image in CloudDB it is not necessary to use the extension since it is automatically converted to Base64 when uploading it.

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ok, another question, how can i display that image from cloud db to listview?

hmmm, seems this will work, i'll try it๐Ÿ‘

hmmm, is it possible to show .null file (picked image file) in listview?

null is no image.

then how can i put a picked image in list view

This block. It creates a list item. You need to create such an item for each list item.

component_method (1)

Why not just store them directly as images ? (CloudDB will store them as base64 anyway)...then you can just call back the image without needing to convert it....

i forgot that

didn't work
it's not showing image

In companion app, this works


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In the designer, in the ListView properties, set the appropriate type to show images.

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i did it before, I'll try tim's advice