Decimali decisamente non corretti

Salve a tutti,
mi è appena capitata una caso stranissima; ho impostato solo 2 cifre decimali, ma ne compaiono addirittura 6 :thinking:


After dividing the number set format decimal block. The problem is you have designed before divide by 3 so it leads to more than 2

@Spicy_Topics scusami ma non ho capito bene..mi sembra che io abbia seguito i tuoi stessi consigli.

Translator not working. Can you post in English?

I'm sorry but I didn't understand .. it seems to me that I followed your same advice.

Nicola, see the difference

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No you are not... See your blocks. You are trying to divide the addition result after converting Into decimal

@dora_paz alla fine ci sono sinceramente non ho ancora capito qual era la differenza :thinking:

in the end I succeeded .. but honestly I have not yet understood what the difference was

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