I am using DatePicker from user interface of mit app invetor to insert - set a date in my app. When i send the .aab file to google play console for check the report i get is "
Consider making this clickable element larger. The height of this element is 44dp. Increase the height of this touch target to 48dp or more." This element is the +/- buttons of the DatePicker calendar, which appear automatically after clicking on it. For this reason, Google Play Console rejects the publishing approval of my application. How can I fix this? Is there a way? I am new to MIT App Inventor and have no programming knowledge. Please guide me.
You are using the "Classic" Theme. Choose "Device Default".
If I took into account all the advice given in Google's Pre-launch report, I would still not have an app in the Play Store today.
In fact, my apps have been there for more than 12 years. So ignore it.
I will try it. Thanks! I choose classic theme because device default calendar is too "slow" if you want to choose a very "old" date.