That's not an issue anyway.
It's not a notification problem, it doesn't download the file. Only download .bin files that don't open. My link should download an apk file.
What mimeType
value do you receive from OnDownloadNeeded
Send the Download URL, let me check
Are you sure this is the url you are getting from OnDownloadNeeded
Sorry but... How can I see the link that ondownloadneedevent returns to me
Just display it in a label to find it out
now It work, but the apk file name is mycardiofit_v1.apk.
Why the Name of apk is different when it download?
Replace GuessFileName block with your desired file name.
screenshot of the correct Block?
Doesn't seem very much difficult to understand.
Are you new to App Inventor?
PS. yes you are.
Ok so this is how it is done.
Slowly detach GuessFileName
block and then attach a text block.
yes, I'm a new user.
blocking works for this file.
But what should I do if I wanted to download multiple files, showing only the name of the file and not a string as in the blocks previous to today?
Create a logic yourself.
It has been explained how downloading works , now modify it according to your requirement.
yes, I know how to replace the apk name. But if I wanted to install two different apks or an apk and a pdf, what should I do? Would all downloads be called "mycardiofitv_1.apk? How do I get the system to recognize the name and type of the file to download if there is more than one?
or just create a block similar to this for each file?
Split download url at /
and then select last item of this list.
Or just use GuessFileName block from DownloadHelper and forget about file name completely.
"split download url at / and then select last item of this list. "
Uhm... ok, i don't understand, how you do it?
Thanks you, sorry for the inconveniente.