Try searching for customwebview permission
in community.
Did you read this
Download that aia and review the required blocks ?
You are correct, hang on...
Here is a pdf of the page that shows the blocks required
How to use Camera and Mic in CustomWebView_ - SunnyTheDeveloper.pdf (366.3 KB)
I followed the tutorial exacly and it just says ahows alert saying only [], and doesn't have mic perms
Hello @vknow360,
I need help with this. This code always crashes on my Android phone when it's compiled, but works in the MIT App Inventor tester.
Thanks for the help in advance!
It is quite self explanatory, no permission is asked from webpage.
Multiple things can go wrong.
- FileAccess property of CustomWebView is not set to true. (Although this should not crash app)
getting invoked prior to webview creation.- Something wrong with
Take it slow, and debug properly.
Hey, thanks for replying. How would I enable FileAccess? Please and thank you.
This doesn't make any sense, the webpage is asking for mic perms on browser
If i remove the code and just onpermissionrequest print permissionsList it says the audio permission and with this code t says empty but doesnt grat the permision
And also, if a very laggy website is displayed on an arrangement and the arrangement is hidden, would this lag the app?
Maybe an error with Companion vs finished apk? idk but there are some weird differences in the APK and companion that cause some things to break
On my Chromebook, no but if the WebView visibility is set to false then it still does lag
( First of all, I want to mention that I'm a beginner to MIT App Inventor and this coding things )
I'm trying to open the app using a custom WebViewer, but even after granting microphone permissions, Gemini doesn't detect audio input. What could be the issue?
Could someone please check if there's a problem with my block arrangement and show me the correct way to set it up?
Additionally, I’d like to know how to arrange blocks to request permissions and allow image uploads to Gemini.
I'd really appreciate any help. Thanks in advance!
See here:
Can someone help? I still don't have an answer
ask for permission first, wait until granted, then go to URL
Could someone share an AIA file that has working microphone permissions, please? I am trying to open Gemini using WebViewer, but the microphone is not detecting any sound.
I also tried the WebViewer Extra extension; it works for the file upload function, but the microphone still does not work