CustomWebView : An extended form of Web Viewer

First show what you tried.

Webview can be closed by removing that WebView and setting previous webview as active.

I tried your steps from your previous posts with some logic see them in pictur

And also see my geo location code because it dont work i cannot access location from JavaScript geo location api

For the extension i get this error

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method getOpenAnimType()Ljava/lang/String; in class Lcom/google/appinventor/components/runtime/Form; or its super classes (declaration of '' appears in /data/app/
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.

Nothing is working

Hi community please help i can't use customWebView properly. I need this app.
My needs are like, i have a JavaScript rendered website with
multiple file upload with
geo location
new Windows will appear then automatically
redirect to another page after some processing.
That's all I just need this three functionality in my WebView App. Please let me know how can i achieve this please help.

Android 11.

I have an HTML file and Javascript files loaded in the App's Media (The HTML calls the .js). With the standard App Inventor WebView, the HTML file can be loaded as below (screenshot), so I have tried to load it into the Custom WebView in a similar way, but get the following error:

Web page not available
The web page at http://localhost/MetaData.html could not be loaded because:


The reason I'm trying the Custom Web View is that although the App Inventor Web View works well with my simple js files, it fails with a larger more complex file which works fine in a full browser.


Hi Mr. @vknow360 thanks for this amazing extension.

While I'm using .onErrorReceived component. It returns error codes to "-1" to "-8". I couldn't find what does mean these error codes. Is there any resource I can find the meanings of error codes, or can you explain please ?

Best regards.

You will get the error message too :smile:


Opps my bad :man_facepalming: :sweat_smile:. I didn't even see it. I even checked your source code to find it.

Thanks for your reply. :slightly_smiling_face:

Is it possible to use CustomWebView with Bluetooth Web Api?
Any plans to support it?

See here (just working with Chrome Developer Mode):

Unfortunately no.
You should try ChromeCustomTab instead.

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Do you know how to use ChromeCustomTab with AI2?

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Thank you @vknow360
After some research to find the ChromeCustomTab Extension, i got it directly working with BLE Web API

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after upgrading to V11 my WebView does not work anymore. I wanted to downgrade back to V4 but the extension import failed.

So now my Question:
Waht do i have to change, that the Webview is working again?
Path to the index.html is file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/

Make sure you enable FileAccess property after setting active webview.

Thank you @vknow360.

in V4 it was a Check Box in Designer Tab.
Not noticed that was removed.

is it allowed to be published on google play , or as always they block the app ?

The only issue you may face will be related to SSL errors, which if you handle correctly then your app will be approved.

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You mean they want all links to be in https , that's their main condition ?

because i'm looking to upload a web traffic exchange app

I am using the AI2Offline, after add the extension in the designer viewer, and got this:

Error from Companion: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/view/autofill/AutofillManager;

any idea why?

The error is due to an experimental feature which didn't go right. :sweat_smile:
You should try v12beta instead.