Custom time picker dialog?

Hi everyone,

I’m wondering if anyone knows how I can make a dialog that will pop up and I will be able to enter hours, minutes and seconds into.
I’d like something similar to the example I’ve attached…

I’ve tried using the “Easy Dialog” extension to show a a couple vertical arrangements (one for time entry and another for one for camera frames entry) where I put text boxes and + and - buttons but it seems as though the extension is causing my app to crash…

Here is the time entry dialog that I created:

And here is my frame entry dialog:

When I go into the time dialog, then close it. Go to the frame dialog then close it. And finally I try going back to the time dialog I get the following error. If I dismiss it, I can see that the frame dialog showed up and not the time dialog that was supposed to:

Try dragging out another instance of Easy Dialog for each dialog you want to create. Trying to use the single instance for multiple dialog causes this issue ?

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You can do this in blocks alone.

Here is a future date picker you can dissect as a sample …!msg/mitappinventortest/lFXcJDmbsMA/stKrIpKtBQAJ

Instead of pop ups, you can use multiple vertical arrangements. This sample app uses that technique.

Thanks for the help! Adding another Easy Dialog seems to have fixed the problem.

Thank you, I will definitely check those out!

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