I have a csv file with 2 columns and about 200 rows. I am looking at a way to choose (or list pick) the word from column A and it displays (in a label) the corresponding information from column B (as an example I listpicker "Boat" and I get a display "floating vessel").
I'm sure this must be easy, but as I am still learning I am finding it difficult. I have no code at this stage.
Thanks in advanced
The Lookup In Pairs block is good to know.
It's in the list blocks section.
another way is to convert list of pairs to Dictionary and get list of keys.
Thanks for this.
I have added all 189 items to initialize global myCSV to list from csv tablet join. and it works well. It took me a few days to create the list, but I finally got it.
I was not able to use the Lookup in Pairs for some unknown reason so I left it.
Does it pass the AI2 Build process?
That much data is unwieldy in the Blocks Editor.
Text Media folder files are the usual route for that volume.