CSV editor, help me to improve it

I used tableview to show data and select row and col, I can remove or insert rows and columns but I can not change cellvalue directly. Can you help me to improve this project?
Attached aia and blocks.
CSV_EDIT_DEMO.aia (23.4 KB)

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You are probably going to need some persistent storage for your csv...

If you are bringing the csv data in from somewhere outside the app, then use the tinydb to store your updated/edited version of the csv data to work with, or use the File component to save the data to a file.

This is an interesting approach, I am doing some work on it....


Here is a quick (which means lazy coding :wink: ) example aia project that demonstrates persistent storage using the tinydb, and also how to change a cell value. On the first run of the app, the static csv data is saved to the tinydb, from then on, any changes that are made to the csvList are saved back to the tinydb as the raw csv data.

TableViewEditCSV.aia (22.3 KB)


Thank you Tim, storing data is not my problem, i don't like cell value changing via TextBox, I would prefer a long press on the cell and change cellvalue directly.

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There is no long press event for the Table view.

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Yes, I know, Is tableview the better solution ? no alternatives ?

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You could probably get more functionality from a dynamic html table

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