Creating multiple page PDF

[Free] Advance PDF Creator : Encrypt / Decrypt PDF , ImageToPDF , WebViewToPDF , Print PDF etc - Extensions - Kodular Community

i got an extension here on the link to make pdf for my mit app project.
but how could i make multiple page pdf from layout and how do i store in specific directory rather than androide/data/io..

anyone who help me please ?

hi i am here to listen you anyone please...

Please elaborate.

it did not show all my pannel component, it genrate only 1 page pdf. even if using page number morethan 1.

no one who help me please...

Don't set your data in a scrolling arrangement. Set it in a horizontal/vertical arrangement, then place this inside a scrolling arrangement. You then want to create the pdf from the non scrolling arrangement. This was detailed in the topic you linked to. I was able to find it by reading.....

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I found you, it work fine! what about directory can i save it to my folder?

2. External Storage
The root directory of the External Storage is:

/storage/emulated/0/  or

/sdcard/ or
file:///mnt/sdcard/ or

To access the external storage, READ_/WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission is required.

is that simply mean i can store my file in any folder...?

It looks like you forgot to read he most important part about scoped storage

Generally you can store in ASD or shared storage like /Download


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