Creating an app for apple devices

Dear All, I cannot figure out whether it is possible to create an app using the app inventor and install it on an iphone. This link (Building Apps for iOS with MIT App Inventor ) suggests that it is. However, posts to this group and this link (Tips for Using iOS Devices with App Inventor ) suggest that it isn't. Could you please let me know what the situation is? Thanks!

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The first link is only for beta-testers who joined the program. Even if you join, you will have to pay a fee of around $99 anually, for the Apple Developer Program), and there is no guarantee that it will work with 100% functionality (see

Unless if you have joined this program, you can't build apps for iOS. You will only be able to test your apps (excluding extensions) using an iOS device.

We can now access to the beta-test iOS group? (off course, paying the Apple developper quote)
I undesrtood this beta-test group was closed.