Hello Taifun, i am New in the App Inventor think, it give me an wrong number of Arguments Error, forapplywatermark, I want to get into my Photo what i have taken a Watermark (Logo what i have uploaded in the App into the Photo in the Right corner, but i dont know how i get it work.
And what i want is, Then the Photo is taken, the Photo shows in the App and the Watermark Logo Image shows in the right corner and is savable with the Second Savebutton.
What i see, the Savebutton dont work by me, i hope u can help me, or anyone else, I just want a own Camera App what takes Pictures, set the Logo into the Picture and Save it in one Image in any Folder, can be a own Folder too.
I tried with the ImageUtil extansion a watermark but it dont worked, i cannot Take the Picture in it what i want to use, thats why i ask here for help, my code is actually trash
i dont get it to work like i want to, also it dont save the Image, i cannot find it in my Storage.
My Problem is, that then i Click on save Image, it apeats the Window to name it , but then i look at my Smartphone, i dont see it saved.
I have removed Canvas in all and only use Image, there i dont get the error.
I had the hope u can help me with this code to get it to work, i just want that the app takes the picture, print the Watermark in it and get saved with the second button.
Edit: I get the runtime Error Width and height must be > 0
before i get the error, i get this:
Runtime error: Attempt to invoke virtual Method "android.graphics.Bitmap android.graphics.drawable.Bitmapdrawable.getbitmap()" on a null object reference.
Move the ApplyWatermark method into the AfterPicture event
Also: What is the purpose of using the canvas?
EDIT: to find out, where the image is stored, display the image from the AfterPicture event in a label...
To see files stored in the ASD of your app, use a good file manager like Total Commander
Thank you for this fast Answer, Now it works till Photo is Taken, then i press my Save Button it Sais Width and height must be > 0, what i have to write and who?
I just have canvas for the call Canvas.saveas funktion, in Image i dont find the function.
Uh, you will have to use the ImageEditor extension by Mika. I can look into an update for the extension, but I'm busy and I have to go to school now...