Create Profile pic / Avtar by name Extensions (Free) πŸŽ‡

Make your Custom Avtar By Text / Name

This Block for genrate the color picture of avtar
Input type

Image Component = imagecoponent
Name = text


This Block for genrate the text picture of avtar
Input type

Image Component = imagecoponent
Name = text
size = number
background color = text
text color = text

This Block for genrate the animal picture of avtar
Input type

Image Component = imagecoponent
Name = text

note = :o:this format response in white picture so use the background to black


This Block for genrate the Robo picture of avtar
Input type

Image Component = imagecoponent
Name = text


Demo Screenshots

Demo Apk

Avtar (silktune).aix (6.5 KB)
download Aix from here

It will Genrate Random AVTAR by name

thanks it me shyamal

Are want a advance version of it with over 100+ catogries 1m+ image
  • yes:heart_eyes:
  • no :expressionless:
0 voters

Image format PNG


What type of images are generated ? jpg/png/svg/other ?

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1 Like

Hello @Silktune_Offical,

I have a silly question.
i read the download file will be available after 14 likes.
And i read DEMO APK.
My question is.... APK or AIX after 14 likes.
If i didn't read bad, it's an extension and (Free), but i read APK file available to download.
Please explain me what will be available.

Wait i am making it available

check this

Thank you for showing the aix.
My point was (I didn't understand - what was to be shared? the APK or the AIX file).
That's all.
Thank you for your effort.

PD. By the way, what the source of the generation of the avatars? Do you use a library of your own or do you use an API. Can you explain me? Please.
I am curious, that's all.

it is not using any api & library i just use a http request for make avtar

Please provide a link to that library/service and credit its author


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Donate Me :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@Silktune_Offical Its been 2 months since @Taifun instructed you to cite the library you are using to credit its author. Please do the needful asap

Please provide a link to that library/service and credit its author