Create photo collage and save to phone

I am trying to build an app that allows me to take a photo and then overlay other images on top to create a new image that I can then save to my phone. I am going round in circles. Can anyone help please or give me links to tutorials or code snippets that can achieve what I want. Thanks very much, Ron.
ps The images I want to overlay are of puppets with the background removed. I am a puppeteer and I want people to be able to take a photo of themselves and then by pressing a button (one for each puppet character ), they can create a photo of themselves with one or more of my puppets.
Hope somebody can help me.
Many thanks.

See here:

An image extension that, among other things, provides an overlay function

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Thank you. I will have a look. Hope I can follow it. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve copied the code and given it a try but when I take photo I am just left with a blank screen. I’ve checked my internal storage. No sign of a saved file. Back to the drawing board. :pensive:

you might want to download the Scale & Overlay test project from here App Inventor Extensions: Image | Pura Vida Apps to understand how to use the Overlay method


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

Thanks very much. Yes, I did read it through before I set it up on my own computer. I’ll have another look at what I’ve done in case I’ve made a mistake somewhere.