Hello Tim,
Can you please give me a small example or some blocks and I will try to sort them because I am stock in some how.
Thank you so much for help.
Sorry, ignore my last advice, i was thinking along a different track!
Make the products lists as before
Make the first sub list from index 3 (levels), index 4 (subjects) and index 2 (csvs)
Make the listview elements lists from the sublist index 1’s
Use the selection index from the first listview to select the correct item and the two indexes 2 and 3
Just to be clear, now you want a listview with the subjects, and when a subject is selected, it will return only the first level/csv for that subject ?
I need also the code number of that subject which is in the first column.
I prefer to be two excel files one for subjects (chemistry, math,English…) and put them in one variable and the other one is for four column :
code #, Teacher name , Subject
The idea that I need to put them in two separate excel sheets, because some rows in column subject is blank and if there is any blank there will be error in output.
Hmmm, your requirements have now changed at least 4 times since this topic, and the previous topic started. You need a clear plan on paper of what you want to achieve, in order that you can convert this to an app. I, and Ken, have provided you with block methods for manipulating your list/lists. From these examples, you should be able to develop this simple app. Good luck.