Create image automatically

Hello, here is my problem, I want to have the same number of "image" blocks as there is data in my list.

I create a list with multiple images, and send it to another screen.

Here I create a list of images and send it to screen2, but after that I don't know how to create blocks automatically, you should know that the length of the list can vary.

For example:

  • 5 images = 5 image block
  • 27 images = 27 images blocks.

Any ideas ?

Thanks, but i never installed extensions before, i just need to import the file ?

Shows how to add an extension to a Project:

Wait, it there not a problem ?

How am I supposed to place id ?

There is no id.

Set the created component to a variable (or a list)

That's good now, I use DynamicComponment.

I don't think these code working. You will get an error like ' unique id '.

A couple of compCreator examples....