Create Hover USSD extension?

hello, i am john. I am looking for a person who can help me or us (the APP INVENTOR community) to create an extension from the documentation provided by the HOVER USSD platform to promote payment by mobile Money. It sources the codes to be integrated into the source codes of an application created With Android Studio. so I would like to use APP INVENTOR instead of Android studio.
Can someone help me to create an extension of this site named HOVER USSD which provides source codes to integrate mobile payment in android application.

Topic title edited to Sentence Case from uppercase. Uppercase is considered to be SHOUTING!!

Also note that you asked on Kodular community as well, but we will leave this up as it does apply to both platforms...


hello Mr TIMAI2. i am john. I am looking for someone who can help me or us (the APP INVENTOR community) to create an extension from the documentation provided by the HOVER USSD platform to promote payment by mobile Money. It sources the codes to be integrated into the source codes of an application created with Android Studio. so i would like to use APP INVENTOR instead of android studio.
Can anyone help me to create an extension of this site named HOVER USSD which provides source codes to integrate mobile payment in android application.

This link is document for Hover: USSD :