Create dynamiccomponent error: wrong type of argument?

Here is the run time error message, what does this mean? Is it sth that i cannot test on the aicompanion? Thanks

Argument #2 ( to 'com.yusufcihan.DynamicComponents.DynamicComponents.Create(,java.lang.Object,java.lang.String)' has wrong type ( (expected:
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.

Show your blocks so I can see where you are getting error

here is the block, jobstatus is the current screen, it is opened from a line in screen1.

I think in the create field instead of certain component you have used the screen itseems.. here what is the meaning of jobstatus(screen?)

If so then you are wrong. It should be certain component say VSA/VA/HSA/HA/any View


Yes, please tell us what is jobstatus Is this is your screen name? if yes then this is problem you can only create a component in a arrangement

So yes, @Studio_WHY, you will have to use a separate arrangement.

Yes, as i mentioned that jobstatus is the current screen (not only the name of the screen). I dragged it when i click on the screen on left. I need to create the component in this screen, not a particular layout of the screen. From the responses, it seems that i have to define a full screen vertical arrangement for it. I will give it a try

Changing jobstatus to a static vertical arrangement worked. Thanks to you all!

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Remember with extension you can not create any component directly on screen because extension developer need to control Form for that and that is not possible


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