Can you help me create an app that sends messages for me privately. For example, you know that amazon has a live chat for customer support, I would like to create this so it works that a customer sends me a message and I help him by chatting with him. Can you help me create it (No = email, No = sms)
You posted the same question in the Kodular forum. Please choose one builder to use for your app, since they are not fully compatible. Advice given for one builder might not be usable in the other.
Ok. But can non help me to create this?
You also asked on Thunkable. Pick a builder…and close the threads on the other forums.
Ok man…
Use AI2 to build a Chat app using either FirebaseDB or CloudDB (with your own Redis server).
You could use a shared app that does a ‘chat’. Use either a CloudDB and your own server (you are building a commercial app) or the experimental FirebaseDB. How to do this depends on exactly what information needs to be exchanged and what needs to be done.
Here is Juan Antonio’s tutorial!msg/mitappinventortest/I9V0cUU-jAw/PD4EX_6YBgAJ
Try one of these tutorials
Either database will allow a real time chat provided each user has the apk created by the developer active.
A Chat Demo with App Inventor 2 and PubNubTM
Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.
This another extension ,I thinks this will help make realtime chat