Create an Account not sending code or link to emails


I was introducing MIT App Inventor to my students and we were trying to set up accounts, however my students said what when they tried to create an account (both with their school email addresses and personal email addresses) they didn't receive a code or link. I have also tried creating a new account with another email address and still have not received a code or link.

The website we are using to create our accounts is here below:
MIT App Inventor Login

In case of emergency, use
without logins, and be sure to remember the re-entry codes or you will lose your work.

Be sure to export the aia source and take it with you as backup.

Is this affecting all students? If they are using a school email, it's possible that the school district is blocking email from outside the district, in which case they students won't be able to receive the create password email.

We had a problem on our side (MIT), which I just fixed. Unfortunately, some of your students may now receive e-mail messages (from earlier) with links or codes that have timed out. But new requests should work fine.