this code show only the first marker
all other markers do not show
this code show only the first marker
all other markers do not show
We don’t know either Franck. You cut off the top part of the event handler this block of code is in. That means, we do not know how you instantiate new coordinates for MaLatitude and MaLongitude or how fast (frequently) you intend to do propagate the new Markers.
Aspects of how you define your Index.lenghtof list.listOfSoptsMarkers is also suspect.
Advice is to disable some of your setMarker blocks and/or do a DoIt to discover what might be going on. Only YOU can test this. Experiment.
What is a Dolt
See either (or both) Enis’s advice ( ) Taifun’s tip #4 DoIt is a debugging tool that is part of App Inventor.