My APP is on the Play Store and its user needs to register with Firebase using an email\password. In order for Google Play to review the APP for approval, I provide the email\password in the Play Console for the Google analyst to perform the evaluation.
For the APP's functionality, the email provided to the Google Analyst is stored in TinyDB. The password is stored in TinyDB only for the end user. So far so good, I have made several updates to the Play Store and have never had any problems.
Since the update I made on 09/24/2024, the following problem occurs when I download the application directly from the Play Store:
The email and password that are made available in the Play Console for the Google analyst appear stored in TinyDB as soon as I install the APP through the Play Store.
Could it be that when the Google analyst enters the APP with the email\password provided, these credentials are pre-stored in TinyDB?