Copy/move folders/subfolders and files from eg the ASD to another location by maintaining directory structure

With this extension you can copy/move a folder icluding subfolders and files from e.g. the ASD to another location /Documents or /Download by maintaining directory structure. On Android 11 you can only select the Shared folders /Documents or /Download, if there are also non-media files in these folders.

The extension uses absolute paths:

Here is an example:



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Thanks @Anke for making that extension!

I hope the AI2 programmer mentions this problem :point_down:

I'm really impressed with the "DeleteFolder" in that App. because "RemoveDirectory" in the component (File) in ai2 cannot delete folders that contain folders, it can only delete a folder that contain files only. And I've never found an extension that can do that so far, only the extension in your app can do it, wow

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I don't think so. The folder must be empty. So you must remove all files first to delete the folder using the File component.

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