Je suis nouveau et je découvre ,
J'essai de programmer 1 tracker GPS pour suivre mes randonnées à pied, mais les coordonnées GPS renvoyées en dehors des villes sont erronées , ça me donne des latitudes et longitudes au milieu des champs , si quelqu'un à une idée ça m'arragerai.
Merci d'avance
Good morning,
I'm new and I'm discovering,
I'm trying to program 1 GPS tracker to follow my hikes, but the GPS coordinates sent outside the cities are incorrect, it gives me latitudes and longitudes in the middle of the fields, if anyone has an idea that would be helpful .
Thanks in advance
Welcome Andre
We don't know what you coded. Without providing an aia of your Project and/or an image of your Blocks, no one here knows.
A huge guess is you use the Map component to post coordinates. You might use a PanTo Block.
Try replacing PanTo with two Blocks (CenterFromString and ZoomLevel.)
If that guess isn't the problem explain how you posted the location that is in the middle of a field
show an example please.
What is 1 GPS tracker that you use to follow you hikes? Is this your app you are building or a hiking device?
Thanks for the quick response, I'll try it