Convert textbox multi-line to 1 line string and back again

What I have is a multi-line textbox the user will type in for comments.
remove the next line,line feed, enter key and replace it with a linemarket
save that off thru php to a mysql

Read from the mysql as a single line
strong text convert to the multi-line at the mark and put in a listview

Only the bold is required, I already have the listview, php and mysql sorted.
Only the convert from multi-line to single line and back again.

Any ideas pls

use the replace all block from the text drawer and replace \n by a character of your choice, for example @@@

use the replace all block from the text drawer and replace @@@ by \n


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

great perfect, thats exactly what I need.
now what does the code look like to remove the line feed?

Like Taifun said.