Convert block.png to XML

Is there any way to convert blocks image to XML. or any method to download blocks as XML

AI2 block images do contain text if they are draggable. I have seen that using Notepad++ on the png files

Start small.



Now try it on a single event block 's png file.

Screen png files and Paint victims will fail.

Love the music.

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Thanks @ABG it worked.
At the bottom inside coDe there's a XML


Encode image to base64 string

Place the string inside this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <image mime = "image/png">

base64String here


Save file as yourimage.xml

Note above assumes a png file, adjust mime type accordinly for other image file types

I tested decode the base64 back to a block image, it remained draggable.

I forgot to mention that you can get block text directly from the unzipped .aia source files.

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