When a map is placed in a VerticalScrollArrangement, finger control of the map (e.g. panning and zooming) does not work cleanly. The VerticalScrollArrangement takes precedence. Any up and down finger movement on the map causes the VerticalScrollArrangement to scroll, not the map to pan. Zooming in and out with pinching is also problematic, but that is reasonably resolved by setting EnaleZoom to TRUE. I'd like to keep the map in a VerticalScrollArrangement container.
Any ideas making map and VerticalScrollArrangement play well with each other?
well, I am trying to keep the ability to pan while keeping the ability to scroll the whole VerticalScrollArrangement. Ideally, any finger movement in the map would just affect the map for the enabled behaviors, and movement outside the map would control the scrolling of everything in the container. Feature request?
I believe this takes me back to the state in which I started. Rather than a toggle, I checked EnablePan and EnableZoom in the Designer. I end up with something that kinda works. Two-finger zoom in/out sort of works. Pan left and right sorta works. Any downward or upward finger motion moves the vsa. I tried the toggle enable/disable (just in case), but the result is the same.
I believe this is correct. The only other option I can think of is to turn off the scrolling of the VerticalScrollArrangement. But there is no such setting. I did chase setting the screen scrollable to false down a rabbit hole, then read that that is a design time thing.
I hoping that setting that to FALSE that it would influence the VSA. No such luck. But now I know how to interpret what the screen setting does at run time. Thanks!