Consult before buying a new laptop


I wanted to consult before buying a new computer, what are the hardware specifications that are important for block based programming/development performance? (Which are more significant and have greater effect?)
(My current laptop is laggy when working on medium-size apps)

Specifically, these specs:

  1. Number of CPUs
  2. CPUs speed
  3. Memory size
  4. Memory speed
  5. GPU?
  6. Other?

Any other CPU requirements for Apps development? (Virtualization? Manufacture? Other?)

Thanks in advance,

What browser are you using? Chrome and Firefox are top recommendations, Edge a little bit less, and others slower. (IE does not support App Inventor)

Just get the best of everything in your list that fits within your budget.

You might consider using Linux as an alternative to Windows in order to maximise resources, or perhaps a Chromebook ?


Firefox, Thanks.

Of course getting the best of everything is the best...but I'm sure some of these HW specs have greater influence on performance, and I wanted to know which...


I would avoid windows Home as the O/S. I still can't virtualize on my Acer gaming laptop.

I would avoid Windows all together :crazy_face:


If you do heavy programming, then 12 GB+ RAM is must.
Also, try to find the latest gen chip.

Unless you do high computing tasks, GPU isn't necessary.
CPU all alone can do the Job fine.

With my experience, Dell is best for laptops.

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I find the small screen of a laptop inadequate for AI2 blocks wrangling.

Also, I suspect the CPU identification on my laptop (something in the Intel i7 family but not recognized by the HAXM installer) is non standard.

This is relevant only if you want to run an emulator on your laptop.

I agree that lots of RAM is important.

to add, setting up at least one monitor will greatly smoothen workflow

Everything will be great if you use at lease 16 or 32 GB of RAM! Of course, opinions will be different!

You will also need USB ports to connect external trackballs (my personal favorite) or mice, to avoid having to attempt dragging on the laptop touchpad.

Wireless is better, to avoid getting all tangled up in cables.

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What model? nitro 5? because it is $740!

I prefer MacOS, but I have to stick with Windows!

I would avoid Windows 11 and 10 altogether! I'm not a fan of these 2 OSs.

I have used laptops of Lenovo, Acer, Dell, Gigabyte (yes you heard that right!). And then I used a Windows 8 and a Vista PC.

As far as I can say, a Macbook / Chromebook would be the best choice for App Inventor because Windows is a bloated mess, and it crashes on my system daily! I know ChromeOS and ChromeOS Flex. I have also used MacBook once.

Nitro 5 model N20C1.

I chose it for the back-lit LED keyboard, dual exhaust fans, and rear power port.
I use the laptop for couch-worthy activities.
Also, because I spend time on this board that should be using for vacuuming my living room, I need a laptop that can double as a leaf blower.

Everything same with mine :scream:

Although I own the AN515, it has 8gigs of ram. We use it very less, and only to practice stuff.

It is very good for AI2 though!

Btw a picture of the Nitro 5

If you make apps with thousands of blocks, something is wrong. Then rethink your design. Otherwise, you do not need much power to make apps. However, fast Wifi and a good phone (personally I am not a fan of using an emulator) helps. Also a big screen, or rather two, really helps.