Bonjour à tous,
je souhaite piloter le robot Maqueen équipé donc d'une carte Microbit.
Depuis quelque mois, j'essaie les programmes trouvés sur le web mais cela ne fonctionne jamais ! Un message apparait : "need Android permission BLUTOOTH SCAN ..."
Je possède un Samsung S22 avec Android 14. Est-ce cela le problème ?
You could also update your BLE extension with the latest version. That will ensure you have the right permissions. The latest BLE extension should be here:
If you want, you can upload your .aix and .hex, I do have a Maqueen robot to try, but not much time.
Malgré la mise à jour de l'extension, je n'y arrive pas : je suis un débutant ! Pourriez vous svp me montrer quels blocs utiliser pour connecter mon smartphone au Maqueen et le piloter. Je vous joins le design de mon application et le programme de la carte microbit sur Maqueen.
Your .hex file looks OK, and your .aia is a start, but it has no blocks!
Where did you find it? because probably the blocks are explained somewhere too.
But... Try a basic AppInventor tutorial first to understand how it works.
à la base, j'ai téléchargé 2 fichiers sur le web pour piloter le Maqueen avec mon smartphone. J'ai testé mais quand je veux me connecter, un message d'erreur apparait.
Pourriez-vous les tester svp ?
As I said, you need to update the BLE extension. I did that for you, here is the updated .aia MaQueen_Control_App_2024_11_20.aia (301.3 KB)
I tried it with my Maqueen, and it works fine.
But again, try to learn more about AppInventor before you try to make modifications!
Maybe later the MicroBlocks as suggested by @Peter would be of use to you but try this first.
Click on English, you will see a drop down list, you can choose Français, e voila! Everything (well almost) is in French now.
To find out more about the blocks, click on one of the question marks, for example:
If you try to click more information, you will see English again, but still it is a good start.
Warning: if you have your blocks in French and ask a question, translate them back to English. I can read French fairly well, but some cannot, and questions about blocks in Chinese are really difficult!