ConnectWiFi de Taifun

TaifunWiFi's ConnectSSID works great to change the SSID automatically, depending on my programming, on my Android 9 version.
But on Android 11 version of another phone, it doesn't work as Taifum pointed out HERE.

I am therefore forced to manually change the WiFi SSID that interests me, at each desired change, which takes away all the simplicity of my program.

  1. Is there an alternative to this great possibility, please?

  2. Unless Taifun has the possibility to update its excellent ConnectSSID?

  3. Unless Mit App Inventor should update for Android> version 10?

Do you have any suggestions ?

No one has an idea or opinion regarding this problem, please?

Can you tell me if there will be an update to the ConnectSSID method of the excellent Taifun Wifi extender soon, for use with Android 11, please?
This method is so good that I really can't do without it ...

currently I'm not very motivated to look into this...
however if you like to sponsor the update of that method, please contact me by PM or email. Thank you.


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

Hello Taifun

Thank you for your answer, even if it is sad ...

It was a great method, but maybe not many people are using it, it's a shame.

There may be other people who will take an interest in this problem and say, I shouldn't be the only one using it?

Have a nice day from France