Connecting EV3 Mindstorms to Android Mobile

I am trying to make an app that has simply two buttons one to move the large motor of the ev3 and one to stop it.

  1. I used ListPicker before and after
  2. I used bluetooth client 1
  3. Two buttons
    The connection works as far as i can see but when i click on the button an error occurrs.
    I tried two techniques. One is to use EV3Motors and when button clicked call ev3motors.
    Rotationinduration any number sent to power i recieves run time error wrong arguments.
    Another way is to write a program in ev3 that recieves a message in a loop and switch block. If forword the tank move when stop stop motor.
    In app i used event on click send text forword. When i click the bitton error 516 unable to write.
    What is the correct code to move a motor using the app. Using EV3 in mit or not


You might look at the articles listed in EV3 App Inventor Search and try them.

Also post an image of the Blocks you tried (you talk about what you tried but did not show what you tried :frowning_face: )

and look at LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Documentation.

I attached the first trial.
Connection seems ok. But the messaging block of the ev3 doesnt recieve the text.

The second trial i used ev3motor blocks

and what happened?

Sorry, I can not test your code (no EV3 here) Your Power... block has empty puzzle pieces. :frowning_face:

You may want to check the values used using DoIt on these values emptypuzzlepieces

Thank you loaaaads... You helped me. It is working now.

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