I am working with some classmates to create an app that can identify vegetables through AI, weigh the vegetable, and calculate the final price.
We have the AI part sorted out, but we have no clue how to connect the app with an electronic balance, or anything similar to that.
I have searched online for this, and I can find very limited answers, eg. a video involving literally dissecting the balance and writing lines of code (not using code blocks), as well as a blog post I do not understand.
We are beginners in AppInventor, so we would really appreciate some help for this, thanks!!!!
You need a way to weigh the vegetable then send the weight data to your Android.
Do you have a weigh scale that sends the weight to your Android using Bluetooth? Yes, scales like this are available... Try googling bluetooth weight scale
If the bluetooth weigh scale has an open api you might be able to read the weight.