Connect with facebook account

i'm looking for a solution to add a button who get possibility to connect with facebook or google account.

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That is a task for the ActivityStarter Block. The service App needs to be installed (e.g. Facebook App, WhatsAPP App etc).
Something like this:

Thanks for the answer,
Can i get a link to download a Facebook, Google extension, i found one but i think that is an old one.
Thanks again.

Hi Kessabi

Please do not open more than one Topic on the same subject, that wastes our time and we have over 400,000 people to look after.

You could try this (it's a bit old):

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Far book is not opening

you can connect with facebook using te firebase extension
but you must create a project in firebase and enter the apikey in app inventor property section

Hi there, could you help to fix my problem with login in to facebook via app inventor. I've hereby video in the attachment.

Hello Fasai

Cannot really tell what is going on from your screen recording. Are you using Activity Starter to run the FaceBook App that is pre-installed on the phone?

Thank you for your response, I've not installed Activity Starter on my phone. I just tried to develop app by using app inventor website and followed YouTube tutorial then facing problem when logging in to the facebook as screenshot. problem show the problem as screenshot.[quote="ChrisWard, post:8, topic:12028, full:true"]
Hello Fasai

Cannot really tell what is going on from your screen recording. Are you using Activity Starter to run the FaceBook App that is pre-installed on the phone?

[quote="ChrisWard, post:8, topic:12028, full:true"]
Hello Fasai

Cannot really tell what is going on from your screen recording. Are you using Activity Starter to run the FaceBook App that is pre-installed on the phone?

Activity Starter is an App Inventor Component, featured in my example earlier in this Topic (July 2020). FaceBook has moved on since then of course, but the Activity Starter is simply running the FaceBook App. So do you have the FaceBook App installed?

Thank you for your advices. my problem now got fixed