I cannot use Firebase and Google cloud service, therefore i want to make a SQL table in my Local host and connect to that and write/read my app users information data like name,username, password and ....
do you know any manual or could you say me how?
i should add that know i can read and write with TinywebDB on my local host.
and here is an image of SQL database:
thanks a lot TIMAI2.
I study that and do it. at first it has Error 400 i correct it with your previous guidance.
but know i have this one:
could you plese help me
What is on line 56 and line 59 of your mysql.php that is causing the problem ?
56 $conn = new mysqli($DB_ADDRESS,$DB_USER,$DB_PASS,$DB_NAME); //connect
58 if($conn->connect_error){ //checks connection
59 header("HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request");
Looks like a connection issue....
i could connect to my host when i define TinywebDb on my host.
do you think this connection issue related to my host service or database address at top of this file?
This is unrelated to the mysql connection / activity
Could be, I do not know what your connection parameters should be. DB Address looks a bit strange....
exactly... this looks wrong
check your server settings...
for example for a Strato database it would be rdbms.strato.de
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EDIT: to run this on your personal computer you must have a web server up and running there, for example XAMPP
Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.
thank you so much everyone. With your help, I am now connected to the server database and I am writing and reading information.
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