Connect method of WiFi extension not working anymore on Android 10

hello good, I made an application with this extension several months ago to connect to a wifi network and everything went well .. now that I return to make another application or compile the same application no longer wants to serve bone to connect to wifi .. I have tried several ways to include permissions and nothing

hola buenas, hice una aplicacion con esta extencion hace varios meses atras para conectarme a una red wifi y todo salio bien.. ahora que vuelvo hacer otra aplicacion o compilar la misma aplicacion ya no me quiere servir osea conectar a la wifi.. he intentado varias formas hasta le incluyo permisos y nada


what happens if you try the wifi test example app provided here App Inventor Extensions: WiFi | Pura Vida Apps


I already tried them and nothing, and the only thing that does not work for me is to connect to Wi-Fi with a username and password

ya las probe y nada, y lo unico que no me funciona es para conectarme a wifi con un usuario y una contraseƱa

which Android device and Android version are you using for your tests?
you are trying to connect to an Arduino wifi, correct?
as test did you try to connect to another wifi?


I'm using an Oppo a91 cell phone with a version of android 10 ... and trying to meet me on different wifi and nothing.

The application installed months ago works for me but the new ones do not work for me even though they are the same

estoy utilizando un celular Oppo a91 con una version de android 10... e intentado conocetarme a diferentes wifi y nada.

la aplicacion instalada hace meses me sirve pero las nuevas no me funcionan aunque sean las mismas

unfortunately Android 10 has broken the extension...
I will do some more tests to find out, what can be done and if it can be fixed
thank you for your error report...


hello, thanks, is it possible that you find other extensions to connect to a wifi? .... and if it would be possible to fix that extension for android versions 10 and the following?


hola, gracias, sera posible que halla otras extensiones para conectarse a un wifi?.... y si seria posible que se arreglara esa extension para las versiones de android 10 y las siguientes?


feel free to do a search in the extensions directory yourself

probably yes, however as I already have seen it will be more complicated to provide the same functionality now...
btw. it is only the ConnectSSID method, which stopped working for >= Android 10
I put it onto my to do list and if I find some time, I will take a look... however this is not very high priority currently for me...
thank you...


You can also try ActivityStarter with an action:


It is true that it will not connect to a specific wifi network, but you do not have to manually enter the settings.

According to

For API30 we can use a new Intent action, for API 28 and below we can still use the old way of adding Networks, but for API29 we have some kind of gray area where I was not able to find a good solution yet.

Which means I will wait until App Inventor targets API30 until I hopefully will be able to provide a solution for the ConnectSSID method for Android >= 10 ...
