I decided I would try my hand at this GitHub issue on HTTP PATCH request implementation because I thought it would take like 10 minutes. I believe it should be as simple as changing some parameters that the POST/PUT request uses. After building, the block I've made appears, but when the code for the block is actually called a runtime error occurs because it can't find a method with the right name despite it being there and named correctly. I've attached some relevant images and files below.
web.txt (61.1 KB)(Relocated to the Open Source section)
Hi @Noah_Raby Welcome
I have a question.Are you testing on online server?
Try reimporting extension.
Did you also install the companion that was built when you built the system? The version you get from the Play Store will not have your modifications and that is the most likely cause of the error. You will need to uninstall the version from Google Play and use adb to install your development version.
Update: I can't read apparently and managed to skip that part of setup. This is the definitely the culprit and I feel like an idiot. Thanks.
No worries, it's happened to all of us at one point.
I spent like a whole afternoon dealing with this a month or two ago haha. Trust me, it's confusing for everybody. I hope the rest of your contribution goes well =) Best of luck!
@Noah_Raby If you're planning to submit this as a change to App Inventor, please also make sure that you update the version number for the component in YaVersion.java and when you submit the pull request on GitHub, specify the base branch as ucr
because it changes the companion behavior.