Conectar atraves do app inventor 2 com MQTT - CloudMqtt

Como prograrmar para fazer acionamento e leitura via MQTT ??

There are some MQTT extensions made by other developers (see here), so it is definitely possible. Are you trying to make your own or are you just looking for a solution?

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I am creating my own product.
I need the extensions to make this connectivity with android customized by APP Inventor.
Connect cloudMqtt with inventor app

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what about trying one of the available extensions?
MQTT Extension for Arduino and ESP8266 by Andres Daniel
MQTT TCP/IP Extension by Andres Daniel (20 USD)
MQTT Extension by Ulli
for questions, you might want to ask the authors of the extensions...


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

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