Concerning APK, It opened to the main page then closed by it self

Concerning APK, It opened to the main page then closed by it self. & a message appeared : It closed because it has a bug, ask your developer to fix this error then try to update it again, could you help me with this problem please.

We would love to do that. Now:

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(Canned Reply: ABG- Export & Upload .aia)
Export your .aia file and upload it here.

Access denied

(Aia size 18mb - before anyone else looks to download)

There could be one of many reasons why your app crashes on start up.

The most likely is that you are not switching screens correctly. This will cause a memory overload very quickly. You could probably create your app on Screen1, using virtual screens, good lists, and only one image component to display all your images.

The next is the loading of many images at the same time, even across different screens

The next is the number (72) and size of your images stored in the assets (the dimensions of these should all be resized to at least below the size of your target device)

Aia with images stripped:

Islamic_Publications_stripped.aia (21.5 KB)


See also
