Components being deleted bug (while editing Blocks)

Hi, I want to report a problem I had when I was editing my app, well, it happened now, I was modifying some things and out of nowhere the inventor app gave an error and an arrangement containing important components was deleted without my intention, I I don't know what to do.

you could use the Undo from the Blocks screen; it will recreate the stuff that was inside the arrangement I believe

but not restore the arrangement itself. When you press Delete it is gone. :frowning_face:

or you could load the aia you have been saving (or should have been saving) regularly in case you have a disaster.

Well, I didn't even click to delete the arrangement, it just froze everything and an error message appeared and the arrangement was gone, unfortunately I don't have any aia files for the project, it's not my habit, but I think after this I'll pay attention to that.

Can you remember exactly what you were doing when this happened? You said earlier 'when I was editing my app' Can you remember the error message.

This should not have happened. What important components were deleted? Extensions or what specific components disappeared?

MIT will need more information so they can fix the issue. How were you editing (what tools were you using?).


Well, in green all the components within the arrangement, which I called "aba_chat" Pt-br, the components were: text box, some buttons and other arrangements. The error message was a browser dialog box, I don't remember if there was anything else, but I remember that it said "an internal error has occurred". I was adjusting the size of some components, and out of nowhere everything stopped and this error message appeared and the arrangement disappeared.

Are you using TableArrangement? Have you added components to TableArrrangement?

yes, backups aare important, see also


Normally -when this error message appears- there is an option to send all the conditions that causes the error to MIT...

Did you even choose this option?


