Como traçar rotas no app inventor, como no waze ou google maps.
There are several ways Carlos
Use an ActivityStarter and intents to open Google’s Navigator app. This link provides basic information!msg/mitappinventortest/3d7bFyGM508/pNsqAb9hBQAJ
HOW TO use the new Map Control to plot a route on a map and post driving distance and time for that path. is useful too if you can be happy with a map showing the route without the turn by turn directions.
Again a different way is OpenStreetMap without the Map Component
If you are experienced with JSON and willing to get a Google Map API, you can use the Google Directions API .
Is this what you want to do?
Sim, preciso saber o tempo de percurso entre varios pontos e previsão de chegada em cada ponto, tanto para o motorista, quanto para os passageiros, é um trabalho de faculdade e tem que ser feito no APP INVENTOR.(ja estamos fazendo), precisamos de orientação nesse sentido.
Perhaps this is of interest: Romin's Firebase Bus Route .. might be part of your Project. You can use it to report report timing.
How to broadcast a GPS location and share the information on a map with others in real time..CloudDB which shares the current location of a bus on a map with all the app users.
Obrigado pelo apoio!!!