Como salvar vários textos no TinyBD? (How do I save several texts in the TinyDB?)

Gostaria de saber se consigo salvar os textos digitados em caixas de texto, na TinyDB, utilizando listas para salvar os nomes dos rótulos, e os comandos genéricos para facilitar e agilizar o processo.
Criei duas listas, uma com as caixas de texto, e outra com os rótulos para os valores inseridos.
Envio anexos a foto do bloco com os comandos que tentei criar, e o arquivo .AIA para conferência.
Grato desde já pela ajuda!

I would like to know if I can save the texts typed in text boxes, on TinyDB, using lists to save the names of the labels, and the generic commands to make the process easier and faster.
I created two lists, one with the text boxes, and the other with the labels for the values ​​entered.
I send attachments with the photo of the block with the commands I tried to create, and the .AIA file for checking.
Thank you for your help!)EGD_INSPECOES.aia (57.9 KB)

yes you can
however probably the LostFocus event of each textbox is not the best event to use to store all values again and again... what about using a button click event?
how do your lists TEXTOS_LEGENDAS and ROTULOS_LEGENDAS look like?
and why do you also set the textboxes not only once, but twice?
you probably also like to initialize your textboxes with the values stored in TinyDB after opening the app next time? you might want to use the Screen.Initialize event for this...


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

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You are calling a tinyDB.ArmazenarValor method for the textbox stored in component variable. Use the DB_DADOS component or a different, new, tinyDB, not a text box.

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