Como hacer para eliminar el resultado que me da el lector de codigo de barras cuando no es utilizado? (How do I eliminate the result that the barcode reader gives me when it is not used?)

Tengo un selector de lista que me muestra el resultado de varios lectores de código de barras , pero cuando no utilizo los lectores aun asi me arroja resultados falsos como: "" o [""] entonces quiero eliminar eso

How can you have so many bar code readers?

Are you an octopus?



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You have 50 scanner components in your Scan Screen.

Did you ever take a photograph with a camera or with your phone?

After you took the photograph, did you feel compelled to go out and buy a new camera or phone?

Do you now own 50 cameras or phones?


You saved the photograph(s) as files somewhere, with file names, in folders, hopefully, to help find them again later.

Likewise with the bar code text values returned by the one and only bar code reader you might ever need in your lifetime.