Comment module working with Firebase

Hi everyone,
I have to start from say to all I’m not pro rather I’m amatour. I want to create an application in which I will be able to insert comments. Comments should be saved in Firebase. I’ll start with the fact that I have already tried to create something. The attached photos show what I have already done. However, I am at a standstill. The application crashes and it’s definitely about communicating with Firebase. I can’t figure out exactly what’s going on. Maybe someone has already done something like this and will find a tutorial?

P.s. sorry for english

Try the examples:

Brief introduction to cloud data and the Firebase component (replaced by CloudDB in 2019)

and especially Romin Irani’s Tutorial

Do one of those tutorials; get it working and it may help you to debug your code.

Your issue is probably caused by trying to append values to a list that doesn’t exist. What you will have to do is first get the taglist and check if the tag (name) exists. If it doesn’t then create an empty list before appending values:

You may want to retrieve the taglist anyway, and use this as a list to select from to minimise errors (users mistyping their names and creating a new tag)