Comment changer l écran qui apparaît en premier quand on ouvre l application une fois qu elle est installée?

Bonjour, voilà j ai fait un jeu et j ai rajouter après un écran d accueil mais l application s ouvre sur le premier écran que j' ai fait y a t il moyen de changer ça ?
Merci d avance

You will need to open the desired screen in the Screen1.initialise event. You will also need to employ a method (probably using the tinydb) to allow you to open and use Screen1 once the app is running.

Salut @Tortue.07,
Screen1 is always executed as first (it is the root screen), There is no way to execute another screen before it.
Anyway you have other possibilities.
One is what @TIMAI2 has already suggested.
Another is to implement a splash screen, like the annexad .aia
in my example a clock is used to hide the splash screen (that in your implementation will be the "accueil" screen) after a while, but you can hide it only after the user has hit a button (for example).

Please pay attention to the position of the splash screen: it shall be on top of any other layout of screen1 and its dimensions shall be enough (100%) to "push" any other layout of Screen1 down, out of the bottom side of the device's screen. As soon as the SplashScreen becomes not visible, all the other layouts of screen1 will go back to their original position.
Meilleures salutations.

splash.aia (7.8 KB)