Come posso creare il codice debug


For a couple of months my app has been having problems, I installed the debug extension, but I don't know how to put it, can you help me?

Thank you

Use the Start server block in screen Initialise and server started blocks give you error if it found any.

on screen 1 this error appears • on the Image1.RotationAngle () property • on the Image1.RotationAngle (3150.0) property • on the Cursor1.ThumbPosition () property • on the LiveDebug1.StartLiveLogs () call Failed resolution of: Lspace/kumaraswamy/aidebug/ DebugMode ;
Note: A new error will not be shown for 5 seconds.

Now show your relevant blocks and describe the problem you are having (not any issue with the debug extn.)

these are the blocks, I'm having the problem, when the application loads it crashes, it's been for some time, I've checked that the other screens work correctly, screen 1 doesn't, it reaches the end of the loading process and the application closes.
It does this on all devices

Please convert your blocks to English


Should be:

set Orologio1.TimerEnabled to false

This will stop the clock and prevent issues when you move to another screen.

is set to false
okay, susami, I'll try right away

okay I tried, the app keeps closing

Try this

testSplash.aia (38.7 KB)

I've tried nothing like the aia file, it keeps crashing

Are you saying that my example aia is also crashing ?

If so, sounds like a bigger problem at your end.

I tried to change the screen, it can't open the home screen, I have to try again.

it only crashes when trying to open the house

I'm trying to open all the other screens and it works correctly, but with the home screen it crashes

I confirm, when I try to open the home page it crashes.
I'll try to recreate the home page from scratch

By redoing the home from scratch it works correctly

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