Colors Extractor : Extract colors from image

Short description

Helps you to get all colours in a image.

Picture of all the blocks

Instructions to use extension

No instructions :wink:


Aia - extractcolors.aia (56.0 KB)

Download link

com.aktech.colorsextractor.aix (16.4 KB)


good & nice extension!

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Thank you @AyProductions

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You're welcome!

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Nice extension


Thank you @Know_About_IT

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I can't download the extension :sob:

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can you check now

Still no. Can you fix the link?

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it did not got edit last time please try this time :sweat:

Working now, thanks!

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Another outstanding extension by @Aarush_Kumar
Good work Aarush


Thank you @Horizon

Very good extension

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Thank you @Faraz_Firoz

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Now the problem is solved

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@Aarush_Kumar, I think you have put the wrong link. You have put the link of your Rubik's Cue extension! Please kindly change it!

EDIT: Thanks for changing it!

i am really sorry for getting wrong link 3 times please check now :sob:

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Ok @Aarush_Kumar, No problem, let it happen, Mistakes will make things perfect :blush: :sweat_smile:! Even I make mistakes more than 10 times! :rofl:

EDIT: Can you please see in your AK Tech forum that I have started a new conversation there? #off-topic

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